
Ludovic Biquand is a painter specializing in action painting and dripping, like the master in the field, Jackson Pollock.

"Self-taught painter born in 1974 in Strasbourg, I went through different modes of artistic expression before embarking on painting: drawing, music (guitarist, composer), photography.
I started painting in 2010. Since then I have participated in about fifteen collective and personal exhibitions. My style quickly became obvious. I recognized myself in the world of Pollock. Like him, I use my body and my energy to translate my emotions through the canvases.
My last exhibition took place in the Gallery Paris New-York Art in Luxembourg.

Follower of abstract expressionism and particularly of action painting, my watchwords are freedom and intuition when I paint. Thanks to this freedom, I can let my imagination, my moods and the colors be transported on my canvases through gestures that are both spontaneous and structured. My works are the result of my impulsive and controlled energy. "

"Peintre autodidacte né en 1974 à Strasbourg, je suis passé par différents modes d’expressions artistiques avant de me lancer dans la peinture : le dessin, la musique (guitariste, compositeur), la photographie.
J’ai commencé à peindre en 2010. Depuis j’ai participé à une quinzaine d’expositions collectives et personnelles. Mon style est rapidement venu comme une évidence. Je me suis reconnu dans l’univers de Pollock. Comme lui, j’utilise mon corps et mon énergie pour traduire mes émotions à travers les toiles.
Ma dernière exposition a eu lieu dans la Gallery Paris New-York Art à Luxembourg.

Adepte de l'expressionnisme abstrait et particulièrement de l’action painting, mes mots d'ordre sont la liberté et l'intuition au moment où je peins. Grâce à cette liberté, je peux laisser mon imagination, mes humeurs et les couleurs se transporter sur mes toiles à travers une gestuelle à la fois spontanée et structurée. Mes œuvres sont le résultat de mon énergie impulsive et contrôlée. "

"L'art c'est s'exprimer sans aucun mot"

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Opening - Luxembourg

Opening of the exhibition of paintings by Ludovic Biquand at the Galerie Paris-New-York in Luxembourg


 Exhibition - Paris-New-York Gallery

Exhibition of paintings by Ludovic Biquand at the Paris-New-York Gallery in Luxembourg


Opening - Gallery

Ludovic Biquand and Lize Bizart, gallery owner of the Paris-New-York Gallery in Luxembourg

Article published in the newspaper "Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollek" (Luxembourg) on ​​the exhibition in Paris New-York Art Gallery in LUXEMBOURG

" Ludovic Biquand,
he is another brilliant self-made-man, whose gallery unfortunately only presents five works. However, you should not be too distressed about it, because, without any exaggeration, it is of the best. Born in Strasbourg in 1974, the young Ludovic is a real jack-of-all-trades: drawing (sketches, caricature), music (guitar: singer-songwriter), photography (fashion, portraits) and painting (abstract expressionism – action painting – dripping). His pictorial creative line is entirely guided by an intuition free from obstacles and preconceptions. He specifies: “Thanks to this freedom, I can let my imagination, my moods and the colors (which spring from it) be transported on my canvases through gestures that are both spontaneous and structured. My works are the result of my impulsive and controlled energy”. To all appearances, the ghost of Jackson Pollock must have sponsored his art and it is clear that Ludovic is well on his way to becoming a master. Perhaps he will even surpass him one day, since some of his canvases are already gravitating with this musical shadow which makes him like the very pure abstractions of a Markus Anton Huber. With paintings like "Red bionic" and, above all, "Reborn of Pollock", Ludovic Biquand brings the aesthetics of the abstract to excellence."
by Giulio-Enrico Pisani